Fish Oil

There has been scrutiny towards the supplementation of fish oil[1][2], with studies pointing towards the increased risk of atrial fibrillation (irregular heartbeat), as well as studies pointing towards in increase in lipid peroxidation. I would keep these studies in mind when deciding whether or not to supplement with fish oil. I posit that they did not use the highest quality fish oil in these studies, as supplementing with rancid or already oxidized fish oil may be dangerous. The verdict is not yet established, but we know that the consumption of oxidized dietary oils is harmful to humans.

As my blog is mainly about optimizing one’s natural testosterone levels, I have selected to show this Danish study, in which, concluded that supplementation showed a positive correlation with semen count and volume, as well as larger testicular volume. There was also an increase in free testosterone.

I conclude that if one finds a source of fish oil that is not rancid and is free of pollutants, it is likely to be of benefit as medical literature is largely in favor of fish oil. I personally supplement with fish oil. I purchase Nordic Naturals and Gorilla Mind’s Omega-3 Elixir.


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